Stand With Larung Gar

The world’s largest Tibetan Buddhist academy, Larung Gar, is currently facing wide-scale demolitions by the Chinese government. The multi-year plan, which aims to downsize Larung Gar’s population by 50% and evict and displace at least half of its 10,000+ residents, began on July 20th, 2016. The largest demolitions yet are scheduled for October 30.
On 19th October 2016 #StandWithLarungGar protests will be happening around the globe. Find one near you, or add your own.
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Please join a protest near you.
Argentina: Buenos Aires Stands with Larung Gar
Address: Buenos aires, Argentina
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 13:00 to 15:00
Information: En la enbajada china de la capital argentina, vamos a meditar juntos en la vereda y informar las personas de lo que pasa ne tibet. Invitar a compartir fotos com la bandera y hacer entrevistas para generar un video.
Argentina: Cordoba Stands With Larung Gar
Tibet Libre – todos por Larung Gar
Address: San Marcos Sierras, Cordoba, Argentina
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 18:00 to 20:00
Information: En la plaza central del pueblo vamos a compartir el cuento de la memoria tibetana de la lucha por libertad. Sacar fotos com el colectivo e compartir en las redes sociales.
Austria: Vienna Stand With Larung Gar
Belgium: Burg Reuland Stands with Larung Gar
Address: Oudler 100, 4790, Burg Reuland, Belgium
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 20.30 to 21.30
Information: We will sit together, meditate and send the best thoughts to all the people in LarungGar and to all the Chinese comunity
Brasil: Fortaleza, Ceará Ação global de Conscientização
Address: Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 18:00-19:00
Information: Na praça luiza tavora na cidade de fortaleza, vamos desenvolver uma roda de conversa sobre o tibete, conduzindo a sensibilização e informar as pessoas. Sobre a cultura e a religiosidade tibetana, Ocupação chinesa no territorio tibetano. Larung Gar e o conflito atual.
Brasil: Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul “Tibete Livre”
Address: Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Date of Protest: 2016-10-20
Time of Protest: 20:00 – 21:00
Information: Programa da radio comunitário umanação dedicado a conscientizar os ouvintes do programa sobre a urgência do massacre cultural e humano, que está acontecendo na cidade onde está o templo Larung Gar.
Brasil: Porto Alegre “Pelo tibete nas feiras comunitarias”
Address: Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 10:00 to 13:00
Information: Na feira orgânica no bairro do menino deus, vamos levar cartazes e fazer entrevistas com as pessoas sobre o que se sabe sobre o tibete.
Logo informar da situação do templo budista, e os crimes cometidos pelos chineses.
Convite a meditar, e fazer parte das ações globais do movimento. -
Brasil: Porto Alegre Stands with Larung Gar
Nas ruas pela liberdade do povo tibetano
Address: Nova Petropolis, Porto Alegre, Brasil
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 17:30 as19:00
Information: Nas ruas da cidade vamos entregar folhetos e cartazes com informação e imagens do movimento free tibet. Convidar as pessoas a meditar na praça da cidade.
Brazil: Curtiba Stand with Larung Gar
Address: Curtiba, Brasil
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 18:00 to 20:00
Information: No Museu Oscar Niemayer, vamos entrevistar as pessoas e informar sobre o que esa passando. Tirar fotos coletivas com a bandeira do tibete, incentivar as pessoas a compartilharem pelos redes socias a informação. Meditação aos tibetanos.
BRAZIL: Natal Stand With Larung Gar
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 09:00-21:00
Information: All day day vigil in which we will: 1. display a banner about the issue; 2. collect signatures for the petition; 3. collect photos & mini-videos support; 4. Post the issue on the University Radio (may be on our University TV as well); 5. Distribute fliers on this issue and other issues related to Tibet’s occupation (environment, human rights); 6. make lotus and gompas origami with the visitors; 7. put up Buddhist Flag & make mudra of protection with people; make a pile of stones for symbolic display of solidarity.
Canada: Global Day of Action – Toronto Rally
Address: Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2
Date: 19 October 2016
Time: 18:00–21:00Information:
Join us in the streets to remind China that we stand with the people of Larung Gar. Let’s rise up to tell China that we hold them accountable for these atrocious actions.
SIGN and SHARE the petition for Larung Gar:
Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2
Canada: Vancouver #StandWithLarungGar
#StandWithLarungGar Protest
Address: 750 Hornby Street,, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2H7
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: From 18:00 to 20:00
For more information on actions visit
Chile: Santiago Stand With Larung Gar
Toma de Foto para la Campaña Internacional por Larung Gar
Address: Puente Racamalac – 2072, Providencia. Santiago, Chile
Date of Protest: 17 October 2016
Time: 14:30 – 15:30
Information: Los dejamos invitados este lunes 17 al Puente Condell (o Puente de los Candados) a tomarnos una foto por Larung Gar, que será publicada el Día de Acción Global por dicho monasterio (19 de octubre), como parte de la Campaña Internacional. ¡Los esperamos!
– Recordamos Petición para Frenar las Demoliciones:
– Más info sobre la situación de Larung Gar: -
Finland: Turku Stand With Larung Gar
France: Paris Stand With Larung Gar Protest
Address: Near Chinese Embassy, Paris
Metro Line 9; Alma MarceauDate of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 15:30 to 18:00
This protest is organised by SFT France and RTYC France as part of the Global Day of Action for Larung Gar. See HERE for more information
India: Delhi Stand With Larung Gar
India: Dharamsala Stand With Larung Gar
Address: TCV Day School; Mcleod Ganj
Date: 19 October 2016
Time: 17:30–19:00
Details: For more information visit
Japan: Tokyo Stand With Larung Gar
Mexico: Querétaro apoya a Larung Gar
Address: Av. Industrialización #4, Col. Álamos 2da. sección. Querétaro, Qro.
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 19:00
Information: Publicaremos un video informativo sobre la crítica situación actual de Larung Gar y también estaremos recolectando firmas de la petición #StandWithLarungGar, así como proporcionando información al respecto.
Av. Industrialización #4, Col. Álamos 2da. sección. Querétaro
Norway: Oslo Stand With Larung Gar
Støttemarkering for Larung Gar
Address: Oslo, Norway
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: From 17:00 to 19:00
Information: The demonstration will take place at Egertorget in central Oslo
Portugal: Acção Global por Larung Gar
Address: TBA
Date: 19 October 2016
Time: 00:01–23:59Information:
Dia de Acção Global em defesa de Larung Gar.
Contamos convosco!
Portugal: Praça do Rossio Acção por Larung Gar
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 12:00-13:00pm
Information: Acção de sensibilização por Larung Gar!
Taiwan: Taipei 聲援西藏五明佛學院 反對中共宗教迫害
Take Action for Larung Gar 聲援西藏五明佛學院 反對中共宗教迫害
Address: 自由廣場(Liberty Square: No. 21, Zhongshan S Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100)
Date of Protest: 26 October 2016
Time of Protest: 19:00-20:00
聲援西藏五明佛學院 反對中共宗教迫害
10/26(三) 19:00pm
Taipei Liberty Square, Taiwan
主辦單位:西藏台灣人權連線、在台西藏人福利協會、國際西藏網絡 Liberty Square: No. 21, Zhongshan S Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100
United Kingdom: London Stand with Larung Gar
Address: Embassy of China, London, 49 Portland Place, W1B 1 London, United Kingdom
Date: 19 October 2016
Time: 16:00–20:00Information:On 19 October Tibet groups around the world will be carrying out a Global Day of Action in support of Larung Gar Buddhist Academy. We will be at the Chinese Embassy for a peaceful demonstration to call for a halt to the ongoing removals and demolitions, which threaten to irreparably damage one of the most important sites in all of Tibetan Buddhism.Please join us, Students for a Free Tibet UK, the Tibetan Community UK and Tibet Society and Free Tibet to stand with Larung Gar.
Join us anytime between 4pm and 8pm outside the Chinese Embassy in London for a peaceful demonstration calling for a halt to the ongoing expulsions and demolitions at Larung Gar.
Embassy of China, London, 49 Portland Place, W1B 1 London, United Kingdom
United States: Global Day of Action – Harvard Sq Rally
Address: The Harvard Square Pit Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Date: 19 October 2016
Time: 18:30–20:00Information:
Let’s rise up to remind China that we stand with the people of Larung Gar. Let’s rise up to tell China that they will, in fact, be held accountable for their actions.
SIGN and SHARE the petition for Larung Gar:
United States: Global Day of Action – New York Rally
Address: Union Square Park, 201 Park Ave S, New York, New York 10003
Date: 19 October 2016
Time: 18:00–20:00 in EDTInformation:
Let’s rise up to remind China that we stand with the people of Larung Gar. Let’s rise up to tell China that they will, in fact, be held accountable for their actions.
This event is supported by RTYC NYNJ, Dokham Chushi Gangdruk of NY/NJ, and US Tibet Committee.
SIGN and SHARE the petition for Larung Gar:
United States: Washington DC #StandWithLarungGar Protest
Address: The White House Front Lawn
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: From 18:00 to 20:00
Information: The protest is organised by Regional Tibetan Youth Congress of DC. More information to be posted shortly
Uruguay: Montevideo Stands with Larung Gar
Date of Protest: 19 October 2016
Time of Protest: 18:00 to 20:00
Information: It is a a criminal act. Stand With Larung Gar!