Tamdrin Tso, a 23-year old mother of a six-year old boy, set herself on fire and died in the center of the Drorong Po village in Dowa township in Rebkong. Local Tibetans had noticed Tamdrin Tso praying for Tibetans who...
Tsewang Gyab set fire to himself near the bus stand in Setri village in Sangkok township in Sangchu, Amdo. He died from his injuries. Local Tibetans covered up his corpse with khatags (white blessing scarves) and took him to his home....
Two young Tibetans in their twenties, Tsepo and Tenzin, set fire to themselves in a double self-immolation near a government building in Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region. Some Tibetan sources reported that the Tibetans were cousins. Both young men were monks...
Two young Tibetans in their twenties, Tenzin and Tsepo, set fire to themselves in a double self-immolation near a government building in Nagchu, Tibet Autonomous Region. Some Tibetan sources reported that the Tibetans were cousins. Both young men were monks...
Dorje Rinchen set himself on fire and died. Reports from the area say that he did not die immediately. It was also reported that local people did not allow his body to be taken away by troops, instead his body...
Dhondup set fire to himself at the side of a temple called Serkhang (meaning golden house or temple) in Labrang Tashikyil. Graphic images that reached Tibetans in exile depict his burning body near the pilgrimage circuit of the monastery, and...
Lhamo Kyab, a Tibetan man in his twenties with two young children, set fire to himself and died near Bora monastery in Sangchu. Lhamo Kyab was seen running along the road in flames, and calling for the Dalai Lama to...
Tamdin Dorje, the grandfather of a prominent young Tibetan reincarnate lama at Labrang Tashikyil monastery, died after setting fire to himself near a white stupa beside Tsoe Gaden Choeling monastery in Kanlho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu province – the same place...