Sangay Gyatso, 27-years old, set fire to himself near the local monastery in the town of Tsoe in the northeastern Tibetan area of Amdo. Sangay Gyatso shouted slogans calling for the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet and the...
Yungdrug set fire to himself along the main road in Dzato county town and shouted slogans calling for freedom in Tibet and for the return of the Dalai Lama and the Karmapa (a prominent Tibetan lama). After onlookers, including local Chinese...
On September 13 2012 Passang Lhamo, from Kyegudo, set fire to herself in Beijing. It is reported that Passang Lhamo travelled to Beijing to appeal to the central government after local authorities refused to allow her to retain her home...
Two teenage Tibetans, a monk and a layperson who are believed to have been cousins, set themselves on fire near the eastern gate of Kirti monastery. Lobsang Kelsang, 18, was seen walking with flames shooting from his body before he...
Two teenage Tibetans, a monk and a layperson who are believed to have been cousins, set themselves on fire near the eastern gate of Kirti monastery. Lobsang Kelsang, 18, was seen walking with flames shooting from his body before he...
20 year old Tibetan monk, Lungtok and 21 year old former Tibetan monk Tashi, set fire to themselves in a prayer wheel enclosure on the monastery’s perimeter, and then emerged shouting protest slogans onto the ‘Heroes’ road’ leading into town from...
24 year old Chopa layperson set himself on fire in Me’uruma township, Ngaba county, shouting slogans of protest against the Chinese government. Within a few minutes, local security forces arrived at the scene, doused the still fierce flames, and took...